Frequently Asked Questions

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What makes the Probioform probiotic unique?

The reason many health practitioners and doctors consider our product superior to other probiotic supplements is that Probioform is made up of three classes and multiple strains of bacteria, as opposed to the usual single-class freeze-dried bacterial products. Probioform is brewed at body temperature and is stable at room temperature, making refrigerating not needed even after opening the box. It is so stable that it will stay unchanged for one year (some changes in flavor will occur as the pH drops gradually). It is completely raw and natural. One of the major benefits is that it not only consumes toxins and eliminates pathogens, but also, through its potent probiotic qualities, promotes health and life.

Have the bacteria ever been freeze-dried?

No. Our bacteria have never been freeze-dried.

Is your product gluten and sugar free?

Yes, our product is free from gluten and sugar.

Is it vegan?

Yes. All our products are suitable for both vegetarians and vegans. No animal-derived products are used in the culturing or production of our products. Our packaging is also vegan!

Does it need to be refrigerated? 

Probioform is brewed at body temperature and is stable at room temperature, making refrigerating not needed even after opening the box. It is so stable that it will stay unchanged for one year (some changes in flavor will occur as the Ph drops gradually). It is completely raw and natural.

How much should I use daily?

Please refer to our dosing guide for correct dosing.

Can I give Probioform to my baby/child?

Yes. The daily dose is dependent on the age of the baby. Newborn babies only need a couple of drops, and that can increase with age to a half teaspoon and then one teaspoon. Please refer to our dosing guide for correct dosing.

What is the pH level of Probioform?

Probioform has a low pH in the range of 3.0–3.7. Our microbes survive down to a pH of 1.0, meaning that there is 100% survivability through the stomach acid.

Are there any side effects?

Very seldom. Some people may occasionally experience symptoms of detox when they first start using Probioform. Detox reactions occur because your body can rid itself of chemicals that have been accumulated in the intestine, resulting in mild diarrhea, gas, or very seldom hard stool. If this occurs too suddenly, just cut down the quantity and increase slowly until the body is comfortable with it. Any side effects experienced will be as a result of the detox effect of the beneficial bacteria - this is a good thing as it shows the body is cleansing itself.

How much should I take if I have a compromised digestive system?

Everyone has a different ratio of good and bad microbes and toxins in their digestive tract. Probioform contains naturally occurring antioxidants, as well as very active good bacteria that can replenish the body. Individuals with compromised immune/digestive systems MUST start on lower dosages: for adults: 1 teaspoon (5ml) per day mix with water, and for children under the age of two, 1 teaspoon (5ml) per day mixed with water divided thru out the whole day. After a month, one can start slowly increasing the dosage.

Does Probioform work against constipation?

Yes, Probioform increases the number of weekly bowel movements and helps to soften the stools, making them easier to pass.

What causes constipation?

The obvious culprits include a low fiber diet, repeatedly ignoring the urge to go, not drinking enough water, or a lack of exercise or taking medications that can ruin the balance of gut flora. Particularly bad for this, of course, are antibiotics, which work by killing off pretty much all bacteria. A healthy intestinal flora weighs about 2 kg, and with every bowel movement, our intestine lets go of billions of living bacteria. If the intestinal flora is to week, it will not be able to replenish itself and will naturally try to hold back the stool to not lose more bacteria. One other way to explain this is that you don`t want to give away money for a good cause if you don’t have any money to give away. Replenishing the good bacteria with Probioform allows you to gradually regain your 2 kg of healthy bacteria, giving you a regular and pain-free bowel movement.

How much Probioform should I drink if I am constipated?

We recommended that you start gradually with 2 tablespoons twice a day mixed with water and gradually increase to 90 ml divided out the day (about 30 ml x 3 times a day). Keep this dosage until constipation resides. Then you can gradually reduce back to 2 tablespoons twice a day or as needed.

How long do I need to keep high dosing?

Usually, people experience normal bowel movement after 3 to 5 days, and some hard cases might need as long as 2 or 3 weeks.

What if I have loose stool or mild diarrhea?

If you recently have been out traveling or have been undergoing antibiotic treatment, we recommend gradually start with 2 tablespoons twice a day mixed with water and gradually increase to 1dl divided out through the day (about 30 ml x 3 times a day). Keep this dosage until the symptoms are getting better. Then you can gradually reduce back to 2 tablespoons twice a day or as needed.

What if I have IBS, Crohn’s disease or other inflammation in the intestines?

With all inflammatory conditions, we recommend starting very carefully. For some severe cases, we start with only one or two drops a day and very gradually increase. We immediately reduce the dosing if the symptoms are increased and wait until they are gone until we start again. This way, we have seen great results, but it takes more time than with constipation.

Does Probioform contain any prebiotic, inulin or F.O.S?

No, Probioform does not contain any prebiotic and does not irritate inflamed intestinal walls.

Why do we have to start with so little dosing if we have inflammation in the intestines?

There are many reasons why the intestines have developed inflammation. Still, one reason for many is the trapped residue from industrial foods and fillers, excessive use of antibiotics found in food, and medications. Also, pesticides like glyphosate can get stuck in our intestinal walls. Probioform will help to expel this, and if this happens too fast, the reaction experienced can be uncomfortable by increasing the symptoms.

How does glyphosate affect our intestinal walls?

In the intestines, glyphosate is a profound zonulin stimulator. It damages the epithelial tight junction tissue on contact, weakening the barriers that protect us on the inside from the barrage of other environmental toxins to which we are exposed. Injury to the tight junction membrane in the gut can lead to intestinal permeability.
The acute inflammatory response becomes chronic inflammation as the system is overwhelmed with toxins from the outside world.

When is the best time to take Probioform?

Probioform can be taken at any time. With or without meals, morning or evening.

Why do I need to take a probiotic supplement daily?

Every day the good, beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract are killed by stress, poor diet, caffeine, alcohol, antibiotics, over-the-counter or prescription medications, chlorinated water, fluoride in the toothpaste, and mouthwash, the herbicide in the food, and toxic chemicals in the environment.

How do your products differ to other probiotics?

The reason for Probioform`s efficacy and results is not, as many people believe, the number of microbes present in the product but rather the mixture of microbial species. Although lactic acid bacteria are the most predominant bacteria in the GI tract, they cannot establish themselves without the natural symbioses they share with other types of microbes and the right Ph. In the natural world, various classes of bacteria are utterly reliant upon each other for growth and stability, as can be seen by the diversity of microbial life in soils and plants. Unlike most probiotic products which contain freeze-dried strains of just one or two species of microbes, Probioform closely mirrors the natural range of good bacteria that are found in our fermented and wild living foods. It is the combination of these native species in a liquid form that make Probioform unique. This is what accounts for our efficacy and successes.

The bacterial count of Probioform is lower than other probiotics, why?

The questions of bacterial counts (more commonly referred to as the CFU count – Colony Forming Units) and survivability in the GI tract are only relevant when one is dealing with pure cultures i.e., those strains that are grown in isolation. Pure cultures are generally fragile and have very little resistance or adaptability. Very high counts are, therefore, essential to get a fraction of the dose to survive the stomach and GI tract. Generally, AB (Acidophilus/Bifido) culture probiotics have CFU counts in the billions. These are often freeze-dried or dehydrated, which further reduces their efficacy. They are also sometimes inserted in “carrier” mediums to “shelter” them from the low pH stomach acid. An analogy would be taking a child and protecting him/her from all illnesses during the initial two years of life. As soon as that child is exposed to the real world, you can expect him/her to contract numerous illnesses as there is very little resistance that has built up; the immune response has not developed.

Conversely, the microbes in Probioform are composed of a wide-ranging consortium of multiple strains and classes. They are not grown in pure culture and therefore have to compete with each other to survive and reproduce. This far more closely approximates the conditions that life encounters while trying to survive.

Also, Probioform microbes are live in a low pH (ph. is in the range of 3.0 – 3.7). Tests done on Probioform show the microbes survive in a full pH range from as low as 1.0 up to 13.0.

Does the low pH from hydrochloric acid in the stomach destroy the good bacteria before they reach the colon?

Our microbes survive pH levels as low as 1.0; this is lower than the pH of the stomach. The fact is that the natural microorganisms that occur in the gut arrived there via the stomach, so while some may not survive, it is generally the ones we don’t want! The ph. of Probioform is in the range of 3.0 – 3.7, mainly due to the lactic acid, which makes the right environment for its healthy existents.

Why does the stomach have gastric acid as low as 1.5 to 3.5?

One of the critical purposes of stomach acid is to act as a sterilizing or sanitizing tank. The low ph. kills almost all of the pathogens provided we chew the food properly and don’t drink to much water when eating as water will dilute the gastric acid.

Why does probiotics in powders and pill form have hard time surviving the low ph of the gastric acid?

Most conventional “probiotics” are produced from what is known as pure cultures and tend to be very fragile as they are grown in a high ph solution. So the chances are that a lot of them will be affected by the sudden drop in stomach acid before they had the opportunity to reawaken after the frees-drying.

Why is Probioform not affected by the low gastric acid?

The good bacteria in Probioform are incredibly robust as they have never been frees-dried and already live in a low pH solution ranging from 3.0 to 3.7. The multi-strain nature of Probioform means it is very adaptable under a wide-ranging set of ph levels.

What happens if you transfer Probioform's liquid to a different container?

We don’t recommend transferring Probioform into other containers as our package keeps all light and air out of the drink. If you decide to put it into a different box, you will get white flakes floating on the top. It is the natural yeast that forms when the product is exposed to oxygen and light. It is usual for it to happen.

Should I shake the product?

Yes, we recommend to sometimes softly shake the product as the yeast and minerals will sediment to the bottom after some time. If you don’t shake, you might experience that the color will be darker in the end.

Can I refrigerate the product?

Yes, you can refrigerate Probioform. If you like to drink it without water, the taste is fresher and can remind you of the taste of kombucha.

Can I store Probioform at room temperature?

Yes, you can store it at room temperature. Most people store it on the kitchen bench, so it is easy to use every day. Store at room temperature out of direct sunlight.

Can I freeze the product?

We don’t recommend freezing as the microbes go dormant if frozen.

How should I give my baby probiotics?

Mothers find it easy to add some drops to the nipples before breastfeeding. If you use a bottle, add some drops into the liquid.

What age can they children start to take Probioform and what dosage?

Probiotics are needed at all ages and can be integrated into a healthy lifestyle from an early age.

The dosage depends on the age of your child. Newborn babies, a couple of drops. Increase with age to a half teaspoon and then one teaspoon. For older kids, gradually build your way up to 1 tablespoon two times a day.

How does a cesarean delivery affect my babys natural probiotic development?

Newborns born via C-section don’t pass through the birth canal are therefore are not exposed to the same variety and concentrations of bacteria. As a result, they tend to have less beneficial bacteria, and the flora that does take root is not only different but also less effective.

How does the transfer of good bacteria happens at birth?

Under normal delivery conditions, good bacteria are transmitted from the birth canal of the mother, and they quickly make their way into the child’s digestive, respiratory, and genitourinary tracts where they begin to colonize, serving as a sort of seed for the child’s developing microflora. As these beneficial bacteria establish themselves, infants gradually begin to experience all of the immune, digestive, and other health benefits that these bacteria provide.

Can I use Probioform in a nebulizer?

Yes, use as a substitute in the same dosage as the recommended pharmaceutical products.

Should I use Probioform after doing colon cleansing?

Colon cleansing, such as colonics and enemas, change your gut flora. They not only eliminate waste from your body and release harmful bacteria, but also clean the good bacteria from your body. Your body needs these good bugs to maintain a healthy balance. Thus it is imperative to replenish your gut flora with healthy bacteria when colon cleansing.

Can I use Probioform as a Colon Implant?

Yes, Probioform can be used as a colonic implant.

What is an Colonic implant?

A colonic implant is a small amount of concentrated liquid solution inserted into the colon through the rectum. The answer is retained a certain amount of time, a few minutes, or sometimes even overnight (however long the body allows it to remain in the colon).

How will I know if the product has gone off?

The product has a 12 months shelf life from the date of production, and the same amount of living bacteria is present in the box 12 months after the production. From 12 months to 24 months, the amount off active bacteria is gradually declining. Probioform is like a good vin and gets better with age. The probiotic effect is slowly declining and will be transformed into enzymes and antioxidants. If the product is off, it will get a really “rotten” smell, and you have to discard the box.